Easier company formalities with the Foreign Companies Service “Titre Firmes Etrangères” | MIA Assurances

You are an international company with no establishments in France and wish to hire an employee here. To carry out your administrative procedures, URSSAF has set up a dedicated service for you: the Titre Firmes Etrangères (Foreign Companies Service). Find out more and check if you can benefit from it!

What is the Titre Firmes Etrangères for?

If you have fewer than 20 employees in France, you can enroll in the Titre Firmes Etrangères (TFE) service free of charge to complete your employee formalities: the pre-employment declaration (DPAE), the employment contract, URSSAF registration, social declarations and payment of Social Security contributions.
The National Center for Foreign Companies will handle all of these procedures and make your contribution statements available to you in your online area. You will also be able to download pay slips, tax certificates for your employees, and information for your accounts department.

To find out more about the services provided by the TFE, visit tpe.urssaf.fr.

What are the benefits?

The TFE is voluntary and free. With this service you can:

– centralize your procedures using a single declaration,
– send your data automatically to the French Social Security bodies (URSSAF, supplementary pension fund, supplementary health insurance providers, and group death & disability funds so that your employees are properly registered with the French services),
– pay all your contributions due to these organizations at the same time.

What are the advantages?

If you are an international company with no establishments in France, you must:

1. Complete the E0 form.

2. Sign it

3. Send it to the:

Centre National Firmes Etrangères- CNFE
67945 Strasbourg Cedex 9 France
Then you:
4. Receive your company login for the website net-entreprises and your SIRET number
5. You log in to start declaring your employees
6. Choose to pay your contributions by direct debit or international wire transferGood to know: international companies do not receive a K-BIS extract as they are not registered with the trade register. If you need to provide a supporting document, you can print out your INSEE notification online using your SIRET number.